Help us to make every child in every city and every school a confident speaker!
American Debate League has been in the business of making every child to become a confident speaker in every city and every school since 2014. We have been doing this by providing After School Debate Academy for elementary to high school students in partnership with Parent Leaders who have strongly committed and desired to bring the program to the community. As an Outreach Organizer, your ultimate responsibility is to help us to fulfill our mission by getting the information about the Debate and Speech program out to the parents in your community.
- Talk with school administrators, organization leaders, and parents to bring the Speech & Debate program to the community.
- If the interest is there, search for a location to host After School Debate Academy. The program can be offered at various locations. We currently host our programs in schools, churches, libraries, community houses, YMCAs, YWCAs, or even private homes. Honestly, any location that has a space to occupy a group of 6 to 12 students will be suitable for the program.
- Once the location has been identified, American Debate League contacts the location to secure the facility for the number of sessions needed.
- Outreach Organizer will discuss with American Debate League for potential dates and times to begin After School Debate Academy.
- Once the information has been decided, American Debate League will draft a flyer for the Outreach Organizer and put the information on the website.
- Parent Leader will then begin to recruit schools and students to participate in After School Debate Academy.
- Outreach Organizer becomes the contact person to provide and distribute information to other parents in the community. Parent Leader will also answer questions from the parents and forward any challenging questions to the Community Outreach Coordinator at American Debate League.
- Outreach Organizer will participate in a bi-weekly phone conference with the Community Outreach Coordinator of American Debate League and other Outreach Organizer to hear important announcements about the future classes, tournaments, and other issues that need to be discussed. During the phone conferences, Outreach Organizer will have a chance to share out any challenges and/or successes with other Parent Leaders. The time will also be used to ask and answer any questions Outreach Organizers may have.